• GPT 3.5 4 Devs - An open-source project that enhances the capabilities of GPT by integrating it with various Python libraries and APIs for web scraping, information retrivial, file interaction, and streamlit user interface.
  • Helios - The objective of our project is to create a closed circuit, haptic device situated on the user’s wrist in which the user can speak into, and through AI (specifically, natural language processing and computer vision) the device should direct the user towards their desired object. The wearable haptic should be able to assist the user in detecting objects mixed in with other objects within a close distance.
  • ARGlasses - A consumer app by Jay Fu, Brian Gan, Arjun Singh, and Ryan Rana that uses augmented reaility to allow users to try on different pairs of glasses on their face without ever having to leave their house. Made in a single weekend and submiitted to a variety of hackathons.
  • Cone - A PHP application that allows users to share all their social media, contact information, and external links by QRCode. It has a login/signup page for users to create an account, an automatic QRcode generator, and a sharable link.
  • ELO algoritham based NFL predictor - An ELO Ranking system to rank NFL teams using historical data and then predecting output of games.
  • Congress Connect - Congress Connect is an app that allows people to learn about congresmmens views on various subjects, based on their tweets using sentiment analysis and machine learning.
  • Around-The-Pipe Audio Based Water Tracker for Home Residents - This research presents a revolutionary approach that utilizes audio to measure the amount of water going through a household pipe at any given time with supervised machine learning models.
  • CourseTurtle - A startup aimed at making an easier way to analyze student and teachers school course shedules. It allows for users to create their own accounts and share the data in a extremley accesible way.
  • QuickEstimate - An app that can scan various household items and classify them with Machine Learning, to then produce a pricing estimate for each of those items. The purpose of this app is to make it easy for insurance estimators to create a pricing estimation. Won 3rd Place in 2021 NJ-07 Congressional App Challenge. I had the opprutnity to present the project to representative Tom Malinowski.
  • WHRHS New Tab Extension - A chrome extension that overides the new tab for WHRHS students chromebooks. It is pre-installed on all 2000+ chromebooks.
  • The Power of Artificial Intelligence - TedX talk on the applications and future of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Virtual Note - A HTML Website that allows users to compose music in the easiest way possible. Won 3rd place at Repl.IT Competiton in 2019.
  • Buisness Meeting Summarizer - Business Meeting Summarizer to take record meetings as audio, convert to text using NLP, and extractive summary to condense the meeting contents.
  • Insem Camera Foot Traffic Counter - An ML project that scrapes live cam video addresses from insecam.org(Online Free Public Directory of Security Cames) and counts and detects people in each frame using the YOLO database.
  • HillHacks Intro to AI Workshop - This is the official repositry for the 2022/2023 HillHacks "Intro to Artificial Intelligence" workshop.